Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

I stum­bled across this old Valen­tines card that Will sent out a few years ago. Yep, the boy can cre­ate his own ani­mat­ed gifs.

The American Letterpress

This Thurs­day, a Wright Design Series can’t miss. The Amer­i­can Let­ter­press, with speak­er Jim Moran from the Hamil­ton Wood Type & Print­ing Muse­um. Thurs­day Octo­ber 4, 7:00pm at the Monona Ter­race. And it’s FREE. More Event...

This guy at work

So we all have a sto­ry about some guy at work. Well here’s mine. Our build­ing is set in a Prairie in the mid­dle of  Madi­son WI. We see wildlife from our win­dows, rab­bits, rac­coons, deer, coy­otes and hawks. Today one of the young hawks spent most of it’s...

Growing my Flowers

Months ago, I’m think­ing it was even before Jason and I got engaged I found this pho­to of a bou­quet made from vin­tage brooches on Pin­ter­est. I then decid­ed that this is some­thing that I had to make. I have set myself out on a search for vin­tage brooches to...