You know how impor­tant it is to sup­port schol­ar­ships for tra­di­tion­al stu­dents, but adult and non­tra­di­tion­al stu­dents often have even greater needs and few­er oppor­tu­ni­ties. Many adult stu­dents are par­ents try­ing to go to school, take care of their fam­i­lies, and sup­port their com­mu­ni­ties. Oth­ers care for their aging par­ents while try­ing to take a class or fin­ish a degree and still oth­ers strug­gle to make ends meet, work mul­ti­ple jobs, man­age fam­i­lies, and go to school part-time. The Adult Stu­dent Schol­ar­ship Fund direct­ly sup­ports adult and non­tra­di­tion­al stu­dents who need finan­cial help. Every dol­lar that you give to this fund goes to defray the costs of edu­ca­tion for adult and non­tra­di­tion­al stu­dents, and funds are allo­cat­ed on the basis of need.