Illuminated Letter M

Illuminated Letter M

ILLUMINATED LETTER M Dig­i­tal image cre­at­ed in Illus­tra­tor and pho­to­shop for an illu­mi­nat­ed letter. Cat­e­gories Illustration Lettering Graph­ic Design Skills Adobe...
How to be Courageous and Creative

How to be Courageous and Creative

HOW TO BE COURAGEOUS AND CREATIVE Let­ter­ing and Illus­tra­tion to empow­er cre­ative thinking. Cat­e­gories Illustration Lettering Skills Adobe Illustrator Astropad...
Independent Learning Infographic

Independent Learning Infographic

INDEPENDENT LEARNING INFOGRAPHIC An info­graph­ic used in the pro­mo­tion of Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin Inde­pen­dent Learn­ing Youth Options and Course Options pro­gram offerings. Cat­e­gories Infographics Skills Adobe...
Does Workplace Wellness Work? White paper

Does Workplace Wellness Work? White paper

DOES WORKPLACE WELLNESS WORK? WHITEPAPER Designed a white paper and art direct­ed adver­tis­ing for a pilot project involv­ing LinkedIn strategy. Cat­e­gories Illustration Lettering Skills Adobe Illustrator Astropad Studio Project Met­rics Role Art Direc­tor, Graph­ic...
High Five Cards

High Five Cards

HIGH FIVE CARDS The High Five cards are an employ­ee recog­ni­tion project where peo­ple fill out and rec­og­nize employ­ees from out­side of their own depart­ments for work that they have done. Cat­e­gories Art Direction Graph­ic Design Illustration...