the pleasant mistake - upside down

the pleas­ant mis­take — upside down

blue ink on screen

blue ink on screen
the completed fix
the com­plet­ed fix
flooded screen
flood­ed screen
pulling ink on the gray insidepulling ink on the gray inside

So a while ago I start­ed on the Save the Dates for the Wed­ding. I decid­ed that I would screen print the note­cards that will alert our guests of our May 19th 2012 date that is set. I screen print­ed the inside of the cards, ordered stick­ers from moo for recip­i­ents to place on their cal­en­dars, ordered return address labels and then screen print­ed the out­side of the cards. I spent a night print­ing cards not stop­ping to check any­thing, know­ing that I had to get them done and I did­n’t want the ink to dry in the screen like it did when I did the insides of the cards. I pulled ink on around 130 cards and then cleaned up all my stuff. I sat down and looked at them and real­ized that the front cov­er was put on the back cov­er. Uggggh­h­hh, what to do now? I quick­ly decid­ed that I could have a front piece added on the now blank fronts and quick­ly cre­at­ed a file of new art­work. I sent the files to what used to be Kinkos that next morn­ing. We head­ed into pick up my print­outs to cut them that night only to find when I picked them up that the col­or was so hor­ri­ble. Col­or should = char­coal gray, print­outs = yel­lowy brown (yuck brown to be exact). Try­ing to not be picky, because I was try­ing to cov­er an already made mis­take, I could­n’t pay for these, char­coal does­n’t equal yuck brown. So I told them the col­or was total­ly wrong and to add the dig­i­tal prints had streaks going through them. I agreed to stop back the next day to check a proof and we could then go back to print. I arrived the next day to a proof that was much bet­ter than last nights order and said if they can hit that col­or I will be fine with every­thing. Tues­day went by no con­tact, Wednes­day morn­ing I stopped by as I was told they would be done, but noth­ing was com­plet­ed… I start­ed to get angry. All I want­ed was 38 copies. Thurs­day came, and noth­ing. I decid­ed that if I did­n’t hear any­thing by noon I would call and can­cel my order. I called and final­ly can­celled my order. Now what do I do, I had some French Paper in Kraft Speck­le­tone from an old screen print­ing project lay­ing around, so I decid­ed to screen the same cards. I end­ed cut­ting about 150 new cards to place on the old cards and went through a cou­ple of failed screen burns until the third where I got a per­fect screen. I then start­ed print­ing a very light blue on the kraft col­or paper. I got all the cards print­ed, taped them on the fronts and got the stick­ers insert­ed. Now every­thing is ready to address and send out to my people.