Today is the annu­al hol­i­day pot luck and intro­duces a new event, the fes­tive hol­i­day sweater… We were all pumped to get the per­fect ugly sweater. I thought the sweaters at the resale shop were much too ugly for my style so I decid­ed to make my own. I also want­ed to incor­po­rate cats into my sweater and since I have two white per­sians, I decid­ed to make them and put them on my sweater. I then decid­ed that I need­ed to include my horse so he made it onto the sweater. Ulti­mate­ly it becomes a 3‑d info­graph­ic rep­re­sent­ing my ani­mals dur­ing the hol­i­days. And what hol­i­day sweater is com­plete with­out a light up tree. Hope­ful­ly I can get some bet­ter shots of this sweater soon, but for now here it is.

10421132_10152963109393982_3832482468037678931_nAn update to this sto­ry… It won first place at the first annu­al Fes­tive Hol­i­day Sweater Contest.