Stardust Collateral

Stardust Collateral

This slideshow requires JavaScript. My respon­si­bil­i­ties for Star­dust, were to bring the cre­ative por­tion of mar­ket­ing in-house which was all for­mer­ly done through an agency. I cre­at­ed direct mail, cat­a­logs, bro­cures and cat­a­log inserts. All lev­els...
Lands’ End Collateral

Lands’ End Collateral

This slideshow requires JavaScript. I had the great expe­ri­ence of work­ing with some of the top cre­ative direc­tors at Lands’ End. This was the best learn­ing expe­ri­ence in help­ing me real­ly anchor and launch my design career. Work­ing as a part of a team with...
Walnut Hollow Tools & Tips

Walnut Hollow Tools & Tips

This slideshow requires JavaScript. One of my first projects when work­ing with Wal­nut Hol­low was to cre­ate a book­let that would be sold in Michaels Craft Stores. This book would fea­ture Wal­nut Hol­low tools, projects to be made with these tools and the tips and...