Sustainable Management Presentation Posters

Sustainable Management Presentation Posters

SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION POSTERS Design of posters for a con­fer­ence that details the applied learn­ing process and cap­stone results of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin’s Sus­tain­able Man­age­ment program. Gold Award win­ning sub­mis­sion for the 2018...
Pacific Coast Highway Trip Map

Pacific Coast Highway Trip Map

PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY TRIP MAP Com­mis­sioned poster, designed and illus­trat­ed a map to detail stops in a Cal­i­for­nia Pacif­ic Coast High­way adven­ture. I was then able to take the des­ti­na­tion badges that I illus­trat­ed and cre­ate stick­ers of them. The...
High Five Cards

High Five Cards

HIGH FIVE CARDS In this project, I served as both lead design­er and art direc­tor, cre­at­ing select cards and guid­ing a tal­ent­ed team of design­ers to pro­duce a cohe­sive, vibrant set of High Five Cards. I devel­oped the visu­al con­cept, set the design...
Schedule This Sports

Schedule This Sports

This slideshow requires JavaScript. Respon­sive word­press web design and print col­lat­er­al for a tech start­up. Col­lec­tion of print and web designs for Sched­ule This Sports, web­site live at  ...
UW System Adult Student Guide

UW System Adult Student Guide

This slideshow requires JavaScript. The UW Sys­tem Adult Stu­dent Guide from UW HELP is a pub­li­ca­tion that is geared towards the non-tra­di­tion­al col­lege stu­dent. We need­ed to cre­ate a guide that would help indi­vid­u­als that are look­ing to return to school...