Wedding Fever 2.0

Wedding Fever 2.0

This slideshow requires JavaScript. An inter­ac­tive pdf for Max Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Pub­lic Rela­tions detail­ing the advances made by the agency in the Son­si Wed­dding Fever 2.0 social bridal event. An online, inter­ac­tive capa­bil­i­ties brochure...
Schedule This Sports

Schedule This Sports

This slideshow requires JavaScript. Respon­sive word­press web design and print col­lat­er­al for a tech start­up. Col­lec­tion of print and web designs for Sched­ule This Sports, web­site live at  ...
Desktop Briefing Email

Desktop Briefing Email

Announc­ing a desk­top brief­ing for the media for the fash­ion break­through of the cen­tu­ry need­ed some­thing that was going to get the medi­a’s atten­tion. The pub­lic rela­tions team had a vision of a zip­per, I took this direc­tion and thought if we made the...