MOOC Graphics and Design

MOOC Graphics and Design

This slideshow requires JavaScript. These graph­ics are from a MOOC which I designed and illus­trat­ed. The course, Dynam­ics of Work­site Well­ness Eval­u­a­tion & ROI is now live on the Can­vas Net­work and open for enroll­ment. The fol­low­ing are some of...
Badging System

Badging System

This slideshow requires JavaScript. A badg­ing sys­tem designed using flat design and devel­oped with­in a project team. Teams of stu­dents com­plete badges through­out the semes­ter and pre­pare for the final project. All ele­ments for deliv­er­ables are cov­ered...
Infographic — Make a Great Course

Infographic — Make a Great Course

MAKE A GREAT COURSE — THE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROCESS The Make a Great Course Process Info­graph­ic is a process dia­gram detail­ing the steps in the instruc­tion­al design process. This info­graph­ic has been referred to as a resource for instruc­tion­al design­ers...