Illuminated Letter M

Illuminated Letter M

ILLUMINATED LETTER M – PERSONAL BRANDING ILLUSTRATION For this project, cre­at­ed as part of the Make Art That Sells Illus­tra­tion Boot­camp, I designed a dig­i­tal illu­mi­nat­ed let­ter “M” using Illus­tra­tor and Pho­to­shop. Draw­ing from my graph­ic design...
How to be Courageous and Creative

How to be Courageous and Creative

HOW TO BE COURAGEOUS & CREATIVE Illus­trat­ed Lead­er­ship Design and Work­shop Development This illus­trat­ed and hand-let­tered design, orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed for the Make Art That Sells Illus­tra­tion Boot­camp, pro­motes the qual­i­ties of a cre­ative leader:...
Illustrated Infographic

Illustrated Infographic

ILLUSTRATED INFOGRAPHIC If I could do one thing, I think it would be info­graph­ics. I love com­mu­ni­cat­ing data through visu­als. I com­bined my own water­col­ors into this info­graph­ic. Sad­ly, this one end­ed up in my project graveyard. Cat­e­gories Illustration...
High Five Cards

High Five Cards

HIGH FIVE CARDS In this project, I served as both lead design­er and art direc­tor, cre­at­ing select cards and guid­ing a tal­ent­ed team of design­ers to pro­duce a cohe­sive, vibrant set of High Five Cards. I devel­oped the visu­al con­cept, set the design...
MOOC Graphics and Design

MOOC Graphics and Design

This slideshow requires JavaScript. These graph­ics are from a MOOC which I designed and illus­trat­ed. The course, Dynam­ics of Work­site Well­ness Eval­u­a­tion & ROI is now live on the Can­vas Net­work and open for enroll­ment. The fol­low­ing are some of...