Fair Indigo – Business Launch Design & Branding

Fair Indigo – Business Launch Design & Branding

FAIR INDIGO—BUSINESS LAUNCH DESIGN For the launch of Fair Indi­go, a sus­tain­able fash­ion brand, I designed a com­pre­hen­sive range of mate­ri­als to estab­lish a cohe­sive and impact­ful brand pres­ence. My work includ­ed retail sig­nage, pack­ag­ing, prod­uct...
Mount Horeb Farm School – Illustration & Hand-Lettering Design

Mount Horeb Farm School – Illustration & Hand-Lettering Design

MOUNT HOREB FARM 2 SCHOOL—ILLUSTRATION & HAND-LETTERING DESIGN For this project, I cre­at­ed illus­tra­tion and hand-let­ter­ing designs to pro­mote the Farm to School pro­gram in the local gro­cery store and on food sourc­ing trucks. The designs high­light the...
University of Wisconsin – Digital Badging Infographic & Design

University of Wisconsin – Digital Badging Infographic & Design

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN—DIGITAL BADGING INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN I designed infor­ma­tion and instruc­tion­al media to com­mu­ni­cate the val­ue and struc­ture of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin Dig­i­tal Badg­ing ini­tia­tive. These mate­ri­als...
Sonsi Wedding Fever 2.0

Sonsi Wedding Fever 2.0

SONSI WEDDING FEVER 2.0 Cam­paign Results Report – Wed­ding Fever I designed a com­pre­hen­sive report for Max Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Pub­lic Rela­tions to show­case the results of their Wed­ding Fever cam­paign. The report presents key met­rics, audi­ence...
Sustainable Management Presentation Posters

Sustainable Management Presentation Posters

SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION POSTERS Design of posters for a con­fer­ence that details the applied learn­ing process and cap­stone results of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin’s Sus­tain­able Man­age­ment program. Gold Award win­ning sub­mis­sion for the 2018...