Badging System

Badging System

This slideshow requires JavaScript. A badg­ing sys­tem designed using flat design and devel­oped with­in a project team. Teams of stu­dents com­plete badges through­out the semes­ter and pre­pare for the final project. All ele­ments for deliv­er­ables are cov­ered...
Wedding Fever 2.0

Wedding Fever 2.0

This slideshow requires JavaScript. An inter­ac­tive pdf for Max Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Pub­lic Rela­tions detail­ing the advances made by the agency in the Son­si Wed­dding Fever 2.0 social bridal event. An online, inter­ac­tive capa­bil­i­ties brochure...
Schedule This Sports

Schedule This Sports

This slideshow requires JavaScript. Respon­sive word­press web design and print col­lat­er­al for a tech start­up. Col­lec­tion of print and web designs for Sched­ule This Sports, web­site live at  ...
UW System Adult Student Guide

UW System Adult Student Guide

This slideshow requires JavaScript. The UW Sys­tem Adult Stu­dent Guide from UW HELP is a pub­li­ca­tion that is geared towards the non-tra­di­tion­al col­lege stu­dent. We need­ed to cre­ate a guide that would help indi­vid­u­als that are look­ing to return to school...