Walnut Hollow Tools & Tips

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One of my first projects when work­ing with Wal­nut Hol­low was to cre­ate a book­let that would be sold in Michaels Craft Stores. This book would fea­ture Wal­nut Hol­low tools, projects to be made with these tools and the tips and tech­niques for cre­at­ing these projects. I had to come up with a title, Tools & Tips — tips as in project, tech­nique and the fact that most of these tools had inter­change­able tips for a pro­jec­t’s needs. I need­ed to lay out the pag­i­na­tion of this book­let, design a cohe­sive lay­out for each page. The books were print­ed and then sold in stores.


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March 16, 2012