Lands’ End – Brand Col­lat­er­al & Storytelling

Work­ing with­in the Lands’ End Brand Group, I began my career in brand­ing strat­e­gy and sto­ry­telling, devel­op­ing mate­ri­als that rein­forced the company’s time­less, qual­i­ty-dri­ven iden­ti­ty. I cre­at­ed brand col­lat­er­al, includ­ing mar­ket­ing pieces and inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, that sup­port­ed the brand’s mes­sage and visu­al consistency.

This expe­ri­ence allowed me to hone my skills in brand sto­ry­telling, design, and strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tion, ensur­ing every piece reflect­ed Lands’ End’s her­itage of crafts­man­ship, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and clas­sic style.


Graph­ic Design
Comm­nuni­ca­tions Design


Adobe Illus­tra­tor
Adobe InDe­sign

Lands’ End – Foun­da­tion­al Brand­ing & Design Experience

My time at Lands’ End was a piv­otal expe­ri­ence that laid a strong foun­da­tion for my career in brand­ing, design, and sto­ry­telling. As a Pro­duc­tion Graph­ic Design­er, I worked close­ly with Cre­ative Direc­tors, gain­ing invalu­able men­tor­ship and insight into devel­op­ing a cohe­sive, high-impact brand iden­ti­ty.

I con­tributed to a wide range of brand­ing projects, includ­ing Sears Media, Style Guides, Look Books, and Advertising/Public Rela­tions cam­paigns, ensur­ing brand con­sis­ten­cy across all touch­points. Addi­tion­al­ly, I spear­head­ed the redesign of cor­po­rate col­lat­er­al, pack­ag­ing, and label­ing, enhanc­ing the brand’s over­all visu­al impact.

Col­lab­o­rat­ing with cross-func­tion­al teams, I played a key role in craft­ing mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als, retail sig­nage, press kits, and exec­u­tive-lev­el projects, while also man­ag­ing ven­dor rela­tion­ships, col­or reviews, and press checks to main­tain the high­est qual­i­ty standards.

This expe­ri­ence shaped my approach to strate­gic brand­ing, design exe­cu­tion, and cre­ative prob­lem-solv­ing, allow­ing me to devel­op a deep under­stand­ing of how design sup­ports both sto­ry­telling and busi­ness objectives.