Invitation Projects


IMG_1740 IMG_1745 IMG_1735 IMG_1742 IMG_1741IMG_1736 IMG_1731 Jason&Marla-4253 Jason&Marla-4256 WeddingInvitesScreenPrint WeddingInvitesLetterpress 528496_10150854540853982_502708981_11697711_1068574478_n front back


I design and cre­ate beau­ti­ful print­ed invi­ta­tions. Using a num­ber of print­ing process­es includ­ing let­ter­press, screen print­ing, off­set, dig­i­tal with spe­cial­ty papers cre­at­ing an iden­ti­ty for events. Some of my invi­ta­tions are very pop­u­lar pins on Pinterest.


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January 1, 2013