Blanchardville Identity and Website

My home­town approached me in need of tak­ing their old web­site and giv­ing it a new look with the abil­i­ty for the mem­bers of the Blan­chardville Com­mu­ni­ty Pride board to do their own updates. I orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed a web­site for them in Joom­la!, which looked and worked very well but had a high­er learn­ing curve for con­tent edi­tors. When I start­ed learn­ing Word­Press as a con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem, I vol­un­teered to do the web design. I once again cre­at­ed an effec­tive tool for the com­mu­ni­ty, I am now con­vert­ing the Word­Press web­site to a theme which will allow for a mobile respon­sive site, I hope to have these changes made soon. I also cre­at­ed the new logo and sup­port­ing col­lat­er­al includ­ing sign­ing and appar­el. Live site is locat­ed at


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March 17, 2012