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A badg­ing sys­tem designed using flat design and devel­oped with­in a project team. Teams of stu­dents com­plete badges through­out the semes­ter and pre­pare for the final project. All ele­ments for deliv­er­ables are cov­ered with a badge. If the team exceeds expec­ta­tions with a deliv­er­able, the badge has a bonus star. The design and devel­op­ment team pitched this idea to the pro­fes­sors and it is now work­ing with­in a course. We are all excit­ed to see this project imple­ment­ed and working.

As this is in an actu­al class we can not show the live final in use but you can view the online demo of the badg­ing sys­tem.


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June 5, 2013