Print Design for Return­ing Learners

I designed the Adult Stu­dent Guide, a print resource specif­i­cal­ly tai­lored to sup­port return­ing adult stu­dents nav­i­gat­ing their path back to high­er edu­ca­tion. This guide was cre­at­ed to pro­vide clear, acces­si­ble infor­ma­tion on avail­able pro­grams, resources, and strate­gies for bal­anc­ing edu­ca­tion with work and fam­i­ly responsibilities.

The design focus­es on read­abil­i­ty, orga­ni­za­tion, and engage­ment, using a clean lay­out, thought­ful typog­ra­phy, and sup­port­ive visu­als to ensure an intu­itive user expe­ri­ence. By craft­ing a guide that speaks direct­ly to adult learn­ers, this project helps demys­ti­fy the process of return­ing to school and empow­ers stu­dents to take the next step in their edu­ca­tion journey.


Adobe Illus­tra­tor
Adobe InDe­sign


Under­stand­ing that adult learn­ers have unique chal­lenges and pri­or­i­ties, I approached this design with a user-first mind­set. The guide need­ed to be both infor­ma­tive and approach­able, break­ing down com­plex infor­ma­tion in a way that feels encour­ag­ing rather than over­whelm­ing. Every design choice—from col­or palette to typog­ra­phy—was made to ensure the guide was as wel­com­ing and easy to nav­i­gate as possible.