UW System Adult Student Guide

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The UW Sys­tem Adult Stu­dent Guide from UW HELP is a pub­li­ca­tion that is geared towards the non-tra­di­tion­al col­lege stu­dent. We need­ed to cre­ate a guide that would help indi­vid­u­als that are look­ing to return to school but don’t have the typ­i­cal help pro­vid­ed to a tra­di­tion­al stu­dent. In order to cre­ate that guide we need­ed to be sure that we could give them some­thing portable, some­thing that answers the ques­tions that they haven’t even thought of, and some­thing that would walk the stu­dents through the nec­es­sary process­es while try­ing to avoid any confusion.

We pro­vid­ed links to online resources and always dis­played con­tact infor­ma­tion with­in the con­tent. In addi­tion we pro­vid­ed a check­list inside of the back cov­er, which was per­fo­rat­ed for the poten­tial stu­dents to pull out and check off the steps as they went. A gate fold­ed back cov­er also accom­pa­nied the book­let to hold any of the more time sen­si­tive resources that the prospec­tive stu­dent may need includ­ing a list­ing of the cur­rent ser­vices avail­able to return­ing adult stu­dents, con­tact infor­ma­tion for the con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion offices of each cam­pus, and a list­ing of all avail­able programs.

In keep­ing with our theme of using sus­tain­able resources for print­ing all items were print­ed on For­est Stew­ard­ship Coun­cil (FSC) cer­ti­fied papers by a FSC cer­ti­fied printer.

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January 20, 2013