I got  to share some of my orga­ni­za­tion skills when a pho­to from one of my pre­vi­ous posts was fea­tured in the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of REALTORS® House Log­ic arti­cle Your Home­’s Unsung Hero – The Clos­et. When we lived in our one bed­room con­do, the place was big, but not large enough for two peo­ple with a lot of stuff. I need­ed to use ever sin­gle inch to stow away projects when I was­n’t work­ing on them. I cre­at­ed extra shelv­ing in our Laun­dry Clos­et, which hap­pened to be in the bath­room. I used totes from Tar­get to store all those projects in, so it made the clos­et look bright and organized.

I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on a new web­site which when it goes live, will fea­ture projects from my new house for all to see because every­one is so inter­est­ed in what I’m doing. You know it!!!