Contact Me


Before you con­tact me I just need to let you know one thing. I get a lot of con­tacts from peo­ple I do not know. If you are seri­ous about work­ing with me you must pro­vide your full name, email, phone, who/where/what you are work­ing with, any oth­er addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion you can pro­vide. Why am I ask­ing this? Because we all get spam, some mali­cious, some not. I need to pro­tect myself and know that you are legit… So I need to screen these con­tacts. If you email me and say that you like my work and want me to help on some­thing and all you pro­vide is your first name you are like­ly going to end up with the emails that go to the junk. I am very sor­ry to any­one who has con­tact­ed me in this way and not got­ten a response.