Featured in REALTORS® House Logic

Featured in REALTORS® House Logic

I got  to share some of my orga­ni­za­tion skills when a pho­to from one of my pre­vi­ous posts was fea­tured in the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of REALTORS® House Log­ic arti­cle Your Home­’s Unsung Hero – The Clos­et. When we lived in our one bed­room con­do, the...
My Brooch Bouquet

My Brooch Bouquet

Final­ly almost a year after the date. I am post­ing the much request­ed brooch bou­quet pho­tos. Made from gift­ed, thrift­ed, and fam­i­ly heir­loom brooches, it has become a last­ing keep­sake of our spe­cial day. Click a pho­to to launch the...


My sec­ond attempt at mak­ing design­er cup­cakes looks like a hit. Kahlua cup­cakes with sug­ar sprin­kles for my friend Robert’s birth­day and L‑Rae’s annu­al Super­bowl par­ty. I found a recipe online, but then altered it.