My Brooch Bouquet

My Brooch Bouquet

Final­ly almost a year after the date. I am post­ing the much request­ed brooch bou­quet pho­tos. Made from gift­ed, thrift­ed, and fam­i­ly heir­loom brooches, it has become a last­ing keep­sake of our spe­cial day. Click a pho­to to launch the...

The American Letterpress

This Thurs­day, a Wright Design Series can’t miss. The Amer­i­can Let­ter­press, with speak­er Jim Moran from the Hamil­ton Wood Type & Print­ing Muse­um. Thurs­day Octo­ber 4, 7:00pm at the Monona Ter­race. And it’s FREE. More Event...
Condo Staging — Round 1 — The Laundry

Condo Staging — Round 1 — The Laundry

So I was able to get the laundry/craft/art stor­age clos­et staged for get­ting our con­do on the mar­ket. I should of tak­en a before pic­ture but it was HORRIBLE. Stuff stacked on both the wash­er and dry­er, stuff on the one shelf and a small­er wood veneer shelf...


My sec­ond attempt at mak­ing design­er cup­cakes looks like a hit. Kahlua cup­cakes with sug­ar sprin­kles for my friend Robert’s birth­day and L‑Rae’s annu­al Super­bowl par­ty. I found a recipe online, but then altered it.