Show & Tell

In the Rolling Stone

In the Rolling Stone

Pho­tog­ra­phy for Freedy John­ston’s press for his new album Back on the Road to You in The Rolling Stone, August 2022. 

Ugly Holiday Sweater Time

Ugly Holiday Sweater Time

Today is the annu­al hol­i­day pot luck and intro­duces a new event, the fes­tive hol­i­day sweater… We were all pumped to get the per­fect ugly sweater. I thought the sweaters at the resale shop were much too ugly for my style so I decid­ed to make my own. I also want­ed to…

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

My go to cre­ation for all potlucks and hol­i­days. I cre­at­ed this info graph­ic as I had many ask­ing, just how do you make them? Hap­py Valen­tines Day.

Featured in REALTORS® House Logic

Featured in REALTORS® House Logic

I got  to share some of my orga­ni­za­tion skills when a pho­to from one of my pre­vi­ous posts was fea­tured in the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of REALTORS® House Log­ic arti­cle Your Home­’s Unsung Hero – The Clos­et. When we lived in our one bed­room con­do, the place was big, but not…

My Brooch Bouquet

My Brooch Bouquet

Wed­ding bou­quet made from vin­tage brooches that were gift­ed, thrift­ed, and fam­i­ly heir­looms. Com­bined with fresh ros­es for the wed­ding day. 

The American Letterpress

This Thurs­day, a Wright Design Series can’t miss. The Amer­i­can Let­ter­press, with speak­er Jim Moran from the Hamil­ton Wood Type & Print­ing Muse­um. Thurs­day Octo­ber 4, 7:00pm at the Monona Ter­race. And it’s FREE. More Event Details

Condo Staging — Round 1 — The Laundry

Condo Staging — Round 1 — The Laundry

So I was able to get the laundry/craft/art stor­age clos­et staged for get­ting our con­do on the mar­ket. I should of tak­en a before pic­ture but it was HORRIBLE. Stuff stacked on both the wash­er and dry­er, stuff on the one shelf and a small­er wood veneer shelf that was…