I’m a pas­sion­ate cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al who believes design is more than aesthetics—it’s a pow­er­ful dri­ver of busi­ness strat­e­gy and mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions. With exper­tise in strate­gic brand build­ing through visu­al iden­ti­ty, cre­ative con­tent, and user expe­ri­ence, I’ve had the priv­i­lege of cre­at­ing inno­v­a­tive, audi­ence-focused solu­tions that bring ideas to life and deliv­er mea­sur­able results.

Lead Generation Whitepaper

How to be Courageous & Creative

Woodstock–Govenaires World Champion Show Graphics

My Work

My expe­ri­ence spans pri­vate and pub­lic orga­ni­za­tions, where I’ve tack­led chal­lenges rang­ing from brand devel­op­ment to inte­grat­ed cam­paigns across print, web, mobile, and social plat­forms. I thrive on craft­ing designs that not only look great but also serve as tools for solv­ing real busi­ness prob­lems, help­ing orga­ni­za­tions con­nect with their audi­ences in impact­ful ways.

Good design has the pow­er to ele­vate brands, inspire loy­al­ty, and dri­ve results—and I’m pas­sion­ate about deliv­er­ing those out­comes through thought­ful, strate­gic, and cre­ative solutions.

What I do

Car­ry­ing and man­ag­ing projects from con­cept to com­ple­tion. Focused on cre­at­ing projects that best fit my clients needs, that are on time, under bud­get, cre­ate a unique solu­tion for their brand, are done with the high­est degree of qual­i­ty and have opti­mal return on investment.

Art Direction and Leadership

Pro­vid­ing lead­er­ship and direc­tion to design­ers to ensure brand con­sis­ten­cy, mes­sage align­ment, and busi­ness strategy.

Brand Identity

Strate­giz­ing brand devel­op­ment that clear­ly com­mu­ni­cates an orga­ni­za­tion’s mission.

User Experience Design

Design­ing an enhanced online expe­ri­ence, by improv­ing the usabil­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty for all users on mul­ti­ple platforms.

Communications Design

Deliv­er­ing visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tions that effec­tive­ly reach the intend­ed audiences.

Print and Web Design

Design of con­ver­sion-focused mate­ri­als based on data, ana­lyt­ics, and busi­ness goals which also adhere to brand standards.


Illus­tra­tion of visu­als for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, user inter­ac­tion, adver­tis­ing, and editorial.

My Skills

Exten­sive expe­ri­ence work­ing with both Mac OS X and Adobe Cre­ative Cloud desk­top and mobile appli­ca­tions. Adapts eas­i­ly to new tech­nolo­gies and seeks out new tech­nolo­gies, eval­u­at­ing and implet­ment­ing into dai­ly workflow.
  • Brand­ing — 90%
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Design — 77%
  • Art direc­tion — 85%
  • Let­ter­ing — 87%
  • Brand­ing — 90%
  • UX Design — 77%
  • Online con­tent cre­ation — 85%
  • Illus­tra­tion — 82%

Let’s TALKSay Hello!

I love col­lab­o­ra­tion, if you are a real per­son, let’s talk.