Art direc­tion, design, and user expe­ri­ence design for a re-invent­ed land­ing page strat­e­gy. The new design was built in a Word­Press tem­plate with the abil­i­ty to eas­i­ly cre­ate land­ing pages for pro­grams and cam­paigns. The new land­ing pages focus was to gen­er­ate leads for all pro­grams. The suc­cess­ful imple­men­ta­tion of the new land­ing page tem­plates allowed us to dis­con­tin­ue the use of a land­ing page sub­scrip­tion ser­vice. In six months time the new land­ing page designs have cre­at­ed quite a num­ber of pro­gram leads, the fol­low­ing are details on performance.


Lead Gen­er­a­tion
User Expe­ri­ence Design
Art Direction
Online Con­tent Creation


Adobe Illus­tra­tor
Adobe Expe­ri­ence Design

Health Infor­ma­tion Man­age­ment & Technology

Health and Well­ness Management

Data Sci­ence

Sus­tain­able Managment

UW Flex­i­ble Option
Ses­sions = 9,926

Ses­sions = 15,338

Ses­sions = 4,357

Ses­sions = 12,225

Ses­sions = 40,802
Leads = 373

Leads = 498

Leads = 497

Leads = 448

Leads = 2,222