UW Colleges Online Ads

Today we launched a cou­ple of new ads for UW Col­leges Online. Check out the UW Col­leges Online YouTube page to see these new com­mer­cials. The project has been a true group effort, with all the ele­ments of the spots being done with­in our media group. I’m real­ly...

Picking up some more design awards.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin Sus­tain­able Man­age­ment Pro­gram is pleased to announce that we have picked up sev­er­al wins at the UCEA Mar­ket­ing and Pub­li­ca­tions Awards for 2010. The mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions team based in Madi­son, WI at the...


I design and make things out of shop­ping bags. This tote was made from recy­cled shop­ping bags even the cher­ries are recy­cled bags. Some oth­er things that I have done are “feath­er” boas, small hand­bags, farmer’s mar­ket totes. More crafty fash­ions...

Creativity Halloween Style

I took my lat­est project and put the hal­loween spin on it. After putting togeth­er about three cos­tumes, I was dri­ving to work one morn­ing and the thought popped into my head. I would become Amy Wine­house. After three black wigs, sty­ro­foam, and some sewing I...